Optigo will be attending the #PHTM show on the 17th and 18th of May in Stadium MK, Stand 42.
This will be our official launch into the UK market providing our world class #RouteOptimisation and #PassengerManagement software called #Movit.
Some of the Key features of Movit are:
#Optimit - Our route optimisation engine that can seamlessly #optimise trips in seconds save transport planners hours per day and per week
#Timit - Our #TransportPlanner portal designed to allow #schools or #NHSPlanners mange trips and passenger profiles easily. No more spreadsheets or emails to manage group transportations. Timit also has as tool for transport planners to see who is arriving at the location with a estimated time of arrival and who is due to depart from that location.
#Rideit - Our Passenger/Parent portal that allows users to track and cancel their up coming bookings. It also allows parents to see if a their child has been pick up and dropped off. Depending on how Rideit is configured Passengers will also be able to create the own trips if decided.
Finally #Movit an end of end passenger management tool that can integrate directly with our #dispatchsystem. Some of the featured of Movit include manual #tripmerging, mass cancellations, mass SMS sending, #trip #planning among many more.
Optigo is a well established software provider in Finland providing solutions to over 50% of the Finnish transportation market from a wide range of sectors #nepts, #schooltrips and group transportation solutions to the private sector.
Please come and visit use for a demo at PHTM.
